четвъртък, 10 декември 2009 г.

Изповедта на една неродена сълза/ Confessions of an unborn teardrop

От къде идваш?

From a land far far away.

Кой те праща?
A distant thought from the beginning of time.

Кои са роднините ти?

Illusions of passions.

А кои са приятелите ти?

Sources of the unforgettable and dreams for the impossible.

От кога пътуваш?

Since the feeling of pain.

Какво те спира?

A smile in the time of sorrow or two understanding eyes.

Чувстваш ли се необходима на света?

Like every breath of hope or every shivering of uncontrolled feeling.

Чакаш ли края на пътуването?

We all travel slowly to our death but we are not too eager to reach the end.

А какво те кара да се будиш всяка сутрин и да продължаваш?

All the people longing to dress their emotions in me.

Ами ако те провокират чрез агресията си?

That is not possible - I will be always born of pain or joy and even the pain is out of helplessness
not of agression.

Разкажи интересен епизод от неосъществения си живот?

Once I was going through a wood of uncertainty, up a hill of ambitions and down a hill of failure, but suddenly a sunrise of a helping hand of love stopped my journey and I continued waiting the time of the valley.

Скучала ли си някога?

Never...I am either on the edge of seeing the world of the living or in search of the eyes most deserving me. Such an interesting journey.

Какво е посланието ти към всички очакващи присъствието ти без дори да подозират?

Don't be afraid of me. Call me whenever you need a portion of relief.

Каква роля предпочиташ - на тъгата или на щастието?

I should probably say happiness, but to be honest there isn't a more rewarding role than that of the intence outburst of deep pain - it's like coming to the world in fire and ending your life in it. I can't bear the thought that I will be just an accesory of happiness.

Желая ти успех!

My success will be somebody's sadness or pain but even so I wait for it impatiently...

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